Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sorry for being gone so long guys. Life has just been piling up on me as of late and I haven't had much time at all for fanfiction.

God is it murder to get a hold of a Ps4. Been trying for 2 weeks now to get one but they're sold out everywhere. Toys R Us got some new stock of them n on black friday and I planned to go up. They were sold out within the hour, jesus christ man.

Anyway this new Naruto story I've posted is nothing serious. It's more a way for me to let out some steam while writing without going into complicated back stories and the like. A little guilty pleasure write and nothing more.

Meanwhile I'm world building for my own 'hopefully' original story. A Digimon story that doesn't take place in anyway, shape or form in the worlds where the previous 6 seasons of Digimon is held. It's called Digimon - Dawn Of The Eternal Dusk!

Anyway, since it's a fully original Digimon universe, all the characters are new. So I'm open for Oc's. There's a few restrictions though. You can only pick characters between the ages 11 and 15. You can't go over the top with them, and you can't give them Digimon that other characters already have.

Each character will have their own Digimon farm and its expected that all of them at ages 12 and over will have atleast 3 main Digimon to act as their main combat team, and 1 Digimon that overseers and guards the farm. Another rule is you need to stick to rookie level Digimon and below at this point unless your character is 14-15 years old, in which case one of their main combat team Digimon will be allowed to have the ability to reach the Champion level.

Send me your character names, personalties and description in Pm's at my fanfiction profile, along with the Digimon. The 11 year old characters will be the newbies, so they'll have at most between 2 Digimon and 4. Their overseer Digimon and  main combat team, although they'll be generally weak at this point. 12 year olds can have 6 digimon at most, and that means 2 extra Digimon that stay in your farm. 13 year old characters can have a moderately powerful team of rookies with an overseer and 4 digimon in their farm, 14 year olds can have 6 in their farm and the 15 year olds can have up to 8 at most.

Check the bottom of my fanfiction page for a rough example.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Right, well finally my beta got around to working on the chapter. So now It's completely finished and posted hope you guys enjoy the 19th chapter of Working Sinnoh With Skill.

I won't be working on it for a bit from here though. I'm working on one of my older story idea's that I've not posted before, and probably won't post until there's a good 5 or so chapters.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

The good news is that I did actually finish that chapter in my given time line last night. Infact, I finished chapter 19 of Working Sinnoh With Skill 45 minutes after I posted my last post.

Sadly, my beta has been really busy so he hasn't gotten around to it yet. Hopefully he will be able to in the next few hours or so, I'd say you can definitely expect the chapter within the next 24 hours atleast though.

Sorry bout' that guys.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Well, I've made it up to 6000 words on the latest chapter of Working Sinnoh With Skill. If I keep up this pace I should finish it in about an hour. Then I can send it to my beta to get beta'd.

So, hopefully within the next few hours I'll be able to post the chapter.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Well, I've started chapter 19 of Working Sinnoh With Skill. Only got 4200 words so far though, it's a bit slow going.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish it within the next few hours.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

That's chapter 17 of Working Sinnoh completed, beta'd and posted. I hope you guy all enjoy/d it. Not much else to say here really. So I'll leave this post off here.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

And there we go, I've posted another new chapter for Working Sinnoh With Skill. Now that, that's done. I'm gonna head off to bed in a little bit, later guys.

If you have any questions you want to ask me, feel free to ask away. I don't bite......Well, I do really but only for a specific set of reasons. Which I'm sure very few, if any of you actually fulfill.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

So, finally I've posted the first chapter of my re-vamped Naruto/Yugioh Gx story/s. I hope it came out okay, it was kinda awkward writing a duel and will probably take some getting used to.

Fox Turned Dragon - Chapter 1
Well it took a while because my beta was busy for the past couple days, but finally Working Sinnoh With Skill is complete, beta'd and posted!

Hope you enjoy it. Or have enjoyed already, and hopefully within the next few hours I'll post the first chapter of my re-vamped Naruto/Yugioh Gx crossover.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Well it took me a good few hours, but I managed to finish both the next chapter for Working Sinnoh With Skill and the first chapter of my new Naruto/Yugioh Gx crossover - Fox Turned Dragon - now all I'm waiting for is my beta to, well beta them and then I'll post them.

Sadly, he's out with his family today so he won't be back for a good few hours yet. So, you guys will need to hold out an extra five/six or so hours until he returns.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

So I've been watching Yugioh Gx lately, and it's gotten me in the mood to redo and rewrite my ideas for my Naruto/Yugioh Gx crossovers.

The plot behind it is thus: Together, Naruto and Kurama manage to overpower and destroy Obito and the Juubi in one last, final attack. But the attack leaves them with no chakra at all, besides a very little bit that Kurama has and transfers to Naruto to make sure atleast he lives.

The attack is so powerful, it rips a tear in the fabric of reality and in his exhaustion Naruto falls into it. Kurama coming along for the ride.

In this new world they end up in, Kurama is little more than a spirit beginning to fade away as the Hakke no fuin Shiki - The Eight Trigrams Seal - begins to break.

Naruto desperate to save him, enters Sage Mode to try and grab the chakra that made up Kurama's soul. But the energy of this world is different. There is no chakra, and therefore no natural chakra. But there is ambient Duelist Energy. And in his bid to save Kurama, Naruto ends up binding him to a medium by complete accident. A Duel Monster Card.

Red Eyes Darkness Dragon to be exact.

From there, they discover that they can transfer the Duel Energy exerted by duelists if they won the duels, to Kurama and build up his power once again. And so together, they build up a deck revolving around Kurama - the new Red Eyes Darkness Dragon - and winning as many duels as they can to build up his power again.

Along the way, they end up going to Duel Academy and their plans for going home spiral out of control when Naruto finds something worth staying in this world for.

I've actually already written the prologue for this story. But, for now I plan on finishing this newest chapter of Sinnoh With Skill for you guys.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Only got another couple hundred words added written onto WSWS. But I've also started the next chapter of AMBAON, and have a good 1300 words written for it. Still slow going, but better than nothing atleast.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Well, I've got 2300 words written for the next chapter of 'Working Sinnoh With Skill' - Very slow going, I know. And I apologize, but I seriously just can't muster up the motivation to hammer right into it at the moment.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

I've started on the next chapter of - Working Sinnoh with Skill - hopefully I can hold out long enough to finish the chapter.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Well, that's me posted the newest chapter of - A Master By Any Other Name - I hope you guys enjoy it.

A Master By Any Other Name 

I'll wait a while and answer the majority of my eye-catching reviews here on this blog in my next post.

That's all for now guys, later.
Well, it's been a while. And I sincerely apologize for that. I just happen to not have much of any motivation at all for writing these days.

Thankfully though, I managed to force myself to sit my ass down and write out the newest chapter of 'A Master By Any Other Name'.

I finished it a little bit a go, and now I only need to wait on my Beta finishing up on the story and I'll post the next chapter.


Friday, 28 June 2013

Quite a few people have actually begun posting blogs. So I thought I'd do one myself. Keep up with the 'times' and all that other nonsense.

Generally, I'm only doing this because it's much more convenient than my forum.

Alot of you will have noticed lately, that I deleted all of my stories besides the main three that I'm working on. Honestly, it takes alot to split my focus between like 15 stories at a time. So, I cut that number down to the three stories I want to focus on the most.

Working Sinnoh With Skill!
To Survive!
A Master By Any Other Name!

I will eventually get back to my other stories, but for now I think I'll just stick mainly to these three. But honestly? I've got over 200 started fanfics in my written story folder, and over 120 of them have 2+ chapters. Hell, there's even like one or two with 10+ chapters.

My biggest problems, are that my health sucks. I'm addicted to Runescape and my muse is fucking random. Hell, currently I'm trying to get 99 woodcutting on Runescape for my 3rd skillcape, all the while nursing a tremendous pain from an ear infection and being plagued by one of my Harry Potter fanfics that I started ages ago. Which involves Harry Potter from 5th year falling through the veil instead of Sirius, and his knowledge on the limited amount of magic he knows being transferred to 1st/2nd year version of himselves mind.

But anyway, if you're looking for a good fic to read in the meantime and enjoy Harry Potter fanfics. Then, i suggest the 'Stranger' series written by 'Serpant-Sorceror'.

A Stranger In An Unholy Land!
A Stranger In The Promised Land!

Sadly, it was never finished but it is still a good 300k+ word read and one of the best fanfics I've ever read. Although, you'll have to get chapters 5-7 of 'Promised Land' by searching the internet. Easily found by typing the name of the story an chapter you're looking for into google. 

Actually, I'll just save you guys the bother and post the links below.

Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!

Granted you'll have to download chapter 7 as a Zip file, but it's easily done. And if you're looking for some other reads, then I suggest reading the Denarian Trilogy written by Shezza. One of my favorite all time Hp fanfic series.


There ya go, those should keep you guys busy for a while. I'm out, later minionz.