Monday, 9 September 2013

Only got another couple hundred words added written onto WSWS. But I've also started the next chapter of AMBAON, and have a good 1300 words written for it. Still slow going, but better than nothing atleast.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Well, I've got 2300 words written for the next chapter of 'Working Sinnoh With Skill' - Very slow going, I know. And I apologize, but I seriously just can't muster up the motivation to hammer right into it at the moment.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

I've started on the next chapter of - Working Sinnoh with Skill - hopefully I can hold out long enough to finish the chapter.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Well, that's me posted the newest chapter of - A Master By Any Other Name - I hope you guys enjoy it.

A Master By Any Other Name 

I'll wait a while and answer the majority of my eye-catching reviews here on this blog in my next post.

That's all for now guys, later.
Well, it's been a while. And I sincerely apologize for that. I just happen to not have much of any motivation at all for writing these days.

Thankfully though, I managed to force myself to sit my ass down and write out the newest chapter of 'A Master By Any Other Name'.

I finished it a little bit a go, and now I only need to wait on my Beta finishing up on the story and I'll post the next chapter.
