Sorry for being gone so long guys. Life has just been piling up on me as of late and I haven't had much time at all for fanfiction.
God is it murder to get a hold of a Ps4. Been trying for 2 weeks now to get one but they're sold out everywhere. Toys R Us got some new stock of them n on black friday and I planned to go up. They were sold out within the hour, jesus christ man.
Anyway this new Naruto story I've posted is nothing serious. It's more a way for me to let out some steam while writing without going into complicated back stories and the like. A little guilty pleasure write and nothing more.
Meanwhile I'm world building for my own 'hopefully' original story. A Digimon story that doesn't take place in anyway, shape or form in the worlds where the previous 6 seasons of Digimon is held. It's called Digimon - Dawn Of The Eternal Dusk!
Anyway, since it's a fully original Digimon universe, all the characters are new. So I'm open for Oc's. There's a few restrictions though. You can only pick characters between the ages 11 and 15. You can't go over the top with them, and you can't give them Digimon that other characters already have.
Each character will have their own Digimon farm and its expected that all of them at ages 12 and over will have atleast 3 main Digimon to act as their main combat team, and 1 Digimon that overseers and guards the farm. Another rule is you need to stick to rookie level Digimon and below at this point unless your character is 14-15 years old, in which case one of their main combat team Digimon will be allowed to have the ability to reach the Champion level.
Send me your character names, personalties and description in Pm's at my fanfiction profile, along with the Digimon. The 11 year old characters will be the newbies, so they'll have at most between 2 Digimon and 4. Their overseer Digimon and main combat team, although they'll be generally weak at this point. 12 year olds can have 6 digimon at most, and that means 2 extra Digimon that stay in your farm. 13 year old characters can have a moderately powerful team of rookies with an overseer and 4 digimon in their farm, 14 year olds can have 6 in their farm and the 15 year olds can have up to 8 at most.
Check the bottom of my fanfiction page for a rough example.